Take Advantage of Restructured Pricing to include Professional Development Training
If your school could benefit from ongoing professional development and leadership opportunities through Curriculum Trak, you should consider moving to our updated pricing schedule which includes professional development training.
In our efforts to support faith-based schools in their curriculum planning, Curriculum Trak is expanding our professional development training opportunities. Our goal is to further equip school leaders to identify professional development opportunities and then support them in their efforts to facilitate that training for their team. While we offer staff-wide professional development, our preference is first to train the trainer by equipping school leaders to lead their own mapping-related professional development opportunities. We have restructured our pricing schedule to automatically include this training for new schools. For our pre-existing schools, we are offering you the opportunity to remain at your current pricing and register attendees to this training for a per-person fee of $250 per training. Or, you could move your school to the updated pricing schedule to incorporate this training at a sizable discount.
Example of Savings Due to Restructured Pricing
Our restructured pricing model assumes a basic number of instructional leaders at your school based on your school’s enrollment. For example, In a school of 300 students with an annual fee that is due on January 1st each year, we assume that you will need at least two instructional leaders. If you move to the updated pricing model, we will add $350 to your next invoice. That fee will open up two pre-paid training seats (a $500 value) to be used at any time from January 1st to the next January 1st. At the next annual renewal, two more seats would be made available for additional training. This basically locks in two training seats, to be used by any staff member, for each year for a discount of $150 per year. If you move to the new pricing during the middle of your service year and want to take advantage of any training opportunities prior to your next annual fee, we will provide two seats retroactively. In other words, we will invoice you now for two training seats at a rate of $175/seat rather than the full price. Two more training seats will open up at your next annual fee. Additional seats, outside of the two included seats, can be requested at any time and will be invoiced at the full rate. If you would like more information and a specific quote for your school based on your enrollment, contact support (support@curriculumtrak.com).
What Does “Professional Development Seat” Mean?
A professional development “seat” is a pre-paid registration to any one of our professional development trainings over the course of your annual service agreement. The pre-paid seat renews annually. Unused seats will not carry over from year to year, but any user within your school can qualify to fill that seat within your annual service year. Non-CT Certified users can become certified (a prerequisite for applying the pre-paid seat to other courses). Certified users can move into any other available training, each with relatively the same amount of content and collaboration time. The new training registration tool within the Help Icon for admin users will allow you to easily select a training opportunity, identify the user who will be attending and choose whether that user will be taking the pre-paid seat or if you would like to pay for that registration separately. By making revolving seats available to your team, you can slowly build a community of curriculum leaders at your school.
Expanded Course of Study
CT Certification training will serve as an entry-level prerequisite training module which will be followed by additional courses such as the following (based on perceived demand):
The training will draw from the expertise of curriculum and mapping professionals in the Curriculum Trak network and continue to build on the collaborative training model developed in the initial CT Certification training.