Session 2: Clarity 1: How will we meet the promises of our school’s mission?
Session 2 Objectives:
Define a “guaranteed and viable” curriculum and why it is important.
Explain how a “guaranteed and viable” curriculum impacts student achievement.
Session 2 Introduction:
How does reflecting on school curriculum impact student success? In this session, Dan explains the importance of a clear, school-wide curriculum and its value to school achievement.
Session 2 Video:
Session 2: Questions to Ponder and Discuss
- Have you ever struggled with any of these questions? Select one below and discuss.
- What am I supposed to teach in class this year?
- What do I eliminate if I run out of time?
- How does what I am teaching build on and connect to what others are teaching, or interfere with it?
- How do I ensure that my students are ready for what happens next?
- Do you have a “guaranteed and viable” curriculum? If not, what would you need to do to get one?
- What was your experience like as a new teacher? What information might have helped you to better succeed?
- How does curriculum mapping support you in both the Christian and Clarity aspects of your teaching?
Recommended Resource:
Chenoweth, Karin. Schools That Succeed: How Educators Marshal the Power of Systems for Improvement. Harvard Education Press, 2017.
CT Connection:
In Curriculum Trak, there are two key reports that collate your school-wide curriculum details for the purposes of identifying your “guaranteed and viable curriculum.”
- Scope and Sequence Report - This report will detail the key concepts covered in each of your subject areas. Here’s another view of the scope and sequence.
- Benchmark Reports - These reports are helpful to see how each unit fits into the standards/benchmarks your school had adopted as a framework for curricular decisions.