Session 6 Objectives:
Express the value of questions, specifically essential questions, to instruction.
Explore the components of good questioning.
Session 6 Introduction:
What role does questioning play in your instruction? How can you capture the value of questions in your instructional plans? Dan unpacks the role of questioning in planning and even faith learning.
Session 6 Video:
Session 6: Questions to Ponder and Discuss
Recommended Resource:
McTighe, Jay, and Grant P. Wiggins. Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding. ASCD, 2013.
CT Connection:
Within Curriculum Trak, you can explore essential questions employed by teachers around you through the View Curriculum by Template Field report (if you are tracking essential questions). This will allow you to explore and compare essential questions across grade levels and in different subject areas. The Other Curriculum area will allow you to find other schools like your using essential questions.